Couple leaving hospital in Scarborough


Hospital taxis

Need a lift to a GP appointment or picking up after a long A&E visit? Cappys Cab's hospital taxi services will get you to and from the hospital in comfort and in good time. 

As professional taxi drivers, we cater to elderly and disabled passengers too, and regularly help people attend outpatients' appointments at Scarborough Hospital, York Hospital, or further afield if necessary.

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Fast, efficient and considerate

Whether you have a minor injury or are visiting a relative in hospital, our capable and understanding drivers will make sure you arrive in a timely manner. With our local knowledge, we will make sure to drop you off and pick you up at the right entrance, saving you walking time too. We will help you in and out of the taxi if necessary, and make sure you arrive safely and efficiently to your destination, so you can attend all your necessary appointments.


 Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a taxi for a hospital trip?

Use our contact booking form, and we shall call and email back to confirm your booking.

Do you provide transportation to all hospitals in the area?

Yes, alongside Scarborough and York Hospitals, we have also delivered patients to Malton, Leeds, Bridlington, Whitby, and Harrogate.

Can I schedule a taxi in advance for my hospital appointment?

Yes, indeed the earlier that you schedule a pickup the more likely it will be that we can attend promptly and in good time.

Do you accept cash or card payments?

We accept both!

Do you have wheelchair accessible vehicles?

Our cars are not wheelchair accessible, but our helpful drivers are happy to help you in and out of the vehicle as needed.


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